Breaking: Go-Jek co-founder Michaelangelo Moran has left the company

He was known as the creator of the iconic Go-Jek logo Less than a month after...

Was Kaskus’ co-founder correct about the state of Indonesia’s digital industry?

Last week, Ken Dean Lawadinata announced his resignation from the...

Newly proposed rules for foreign entrepreneurs will help some, but not all, found U.S. startups

 The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, an office under the...

10 simple ways founders can create visibility for themselves

I am starting a new business but my personal brand is nonexistent. What is one...

Founder tales: 4 Asia-based founders share their early startup trials and how they beat them

Founders of Carsome, ShopBack, Perx and 90 seconds expound on the challenges...