It’s difficult to explain my job to my in-laws: Touchten’s Nilwafa Praduta

In addition to talking about the best and worst things of working for a...

It’s difficult to explain my job to my in-laws: Touchten’s Nilwafa Praduta

In addition to talking about the best and worst things of working for a...

Why PC gamers are the worst at VR, and what that means for China’s VR gaming

Having been preconditioned for PC games, it took them longer to adjust to VR...

Indonesian game developer Toge Productions raises funding to kickstart international expansion

Toge Productions CEO claimed to have been generating profits each year, with...

Lessons to learn from Agate Jogja’s recent operational shutdown

Agate Jogja Co-Founder Frida Dwi tells us a few things –including what he...

Strides Interactive: A good game should be “easy to learn, but difficult to master”

The Singaporean game developer company shares their take on what makes a good...