Houzz resets user passwords after data breach

Houzz, a $4 billion-valued home improvement startup that recently laid off...

Daily Crunch: Bing has a child porn problem

The Daily Crunch is TechCrunch’s roundup of our biggest and most important...

Daily Crunch: Well Facebook, you did it again

The Daily Crunch is TechCrunch’s roundup of our biggest and most important...

Very Good Security makes data ‘unhackable’ with $8.5M from Andreessen

“You can’t hack what isn’t there,” Very Good Security...

CommerceDNA wins the TechCrunch Hackathon at VivaTech

It’s been a long night at VivaTech. The building hosted a very special...

Meet the speakers at The Europas, and get your ticket free (July 3, London)

Excited to announce that this year’s The Europas Unconference & Awards...

Why fasting is the ultimate productivity hack for entrepreneurs

Who would have thought the secret to working more efficiently lies in a...

Rebuilding trust within the sharing economy through decentralised apps

The essence of blockchain technology is to empower the people by removing the...

With $1.3 billion worth of cryptocurrency stolen and counting, here are 3 ways exchanges can improve security

Most cryptocurrency exchanges are based on centralised platforms, making them...

Quick Insurance wins the Disrupt Berlin 2017 Hackathon Grand Prize

 Hundreds of engineers and designers got together to come up with something...