Your digital self might be highjacking your real life, but here are ways to deal

Millennials believe they have more time and freedom to get their work done using...

Social Light raises US$470K to bring WiFi advertising to the Philippines, Singapore and more

The company says its WiFi advertising platform allows businesses to provide free...

More dead commenters appear to come out against Net Neutrality

 Two more dead commenters have been spotted commenting on the FCCs foregone...

Neos launches IoT-powered home insurance UK-wide

 What do you get if you combine the Internet of Things with the business of...

From bots to blockchains, the Distributed Web means a better internet for everyone

Imagine what happens when we put Artificial Intelligence inside decentralised...

SoftBank set to acquire Alphabet robotics company Boston Dynamics; charging up its robotics ambition

As part of the deal, SoftBank has also acquired Schaft, a bipedal robotics firm...

Let’s meet in Iceland next week

 I’ll be in Reykjavik next week and you know what that means…...

Can decentralisation make for a more robust internet?

The new decentralised stack, by it’s inherent nature, leads to replication...

Can decentralisation make for a more robust internet?

The new decentralised stack, by it’s inherent nature, leads to replication...

19 steps to marketing your startup when your budget is next to nothing

It’s all about networking, content, distribution, engagement, and data...