Y Combinator-backed Holy Grail is using machine learning to build better batteries

For a long, long time, renewable energy proponents have considered advancements...

Calling all hardware startups! Apply to Hardware Battlefield @ TC Shenzhen

Got hardware? Well then, listen up, because our search continues for...

With Y Combinator’s seal of approval, MyPetrolPump raises $1.6 million for its car refueling business

Even before pitching onstage at Y Combinator, Indian car refueling startup...

Lessons from the hardware capital of the world

A week is obviously not enough time to truly understand a market as massive and...

Early-bird pricing ends tonight for TC Sessions: Mobility 2019

The robotaxi’s blowin’ its horn and zooming autonomously down the...

Unshackled Ventures has $20M to invest exclusively in immigrant founders

With a new $20M fund, the Unshackled team will invest in immigrants and help...

Startups Weekly: All these startups are raising big rounds

In this week's newsletter: Uber, Slack and the evolving Series A.

Canoo, the electric vehicle startup formed from Faraday Future’s ashes, seeks $200 million

Less than a month after rebranding as Canoo, the startup electric vehicle...

Meet the Texas startup that wants to decarbonize the chemical industry

Solugen, a startup that has set itself up with no less lofty a goal than the...

WorkClout brings SaaS to factory floor to increase operational efficiency

Factory software tools are often out of reach of small manufacturers, forcing...