Razer CEO pitches to Singapore PM over Twitter and Lee Hsien Loong is all ears

If Razer builds Singapore’s nationwide e-payments system, the hypothetical...

Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan built a cult following, says one fan has brand tattooed on arm

Razer is a gaming company that believes in making products that they would use...

Razer goes mobile, acquires smartphone maker Nextbit

Unfortunately, for fans of the Robin smartphone this means the end of the...

Razer brings straight flush to CES 2017, walks away winner

In the annual showcase of the best consumer tech has to offer, Razer stole the...

Is the Synesthesia Suit the future of VR gaming?

Imagine, when the Zombie jumps out and grabs you, actually feeling his slimy...

Pokémon Go arrives in Singapore – and rest of Southeast Asia

 Like many countries across the world, the launch of Pokémon Go in...