Motivating startup employees? There is a good reason why these 6 tips are a classic

Motivated employees can do a lot for a business. For example, employees are...

The 5 step programme to get your startup fit and healthy

  Are you a couch potato? If so, lacing your shoes up and starting a new...

How to motivate employees in 2019?

7 ways to build employee motivation According to Gallup’s 2017 survey on...

There’s no such thing as motivation

There are going to be times when you feel completely unmotivated; so what should...

What I learned about procrastination while scaling my startup to 4.2M users

A problem that can be detrimental to your business, yet is not often discussed...

8 ways to kill your employees’ productivity

The “don’ts” of workplace productivity “Work gives you...

8 ways to inspire your team to achieve more

It’s all about motivation, communication, recognition, compensation, and...

How to stay motivated and perform well under workplace pressure

Don’t get undone by the tribulations of working life, learn how to...

If money did not exist, would you still get up every morning to make a living?

Money, rewards, and punishments are not the only reason to keep people moving...

7 ways to encourage your team to aim higher

Your business needs to run on the engine of motivated employees As a business...