Artificial intelligence is a key consideration for companies looking to adapt operations to optimise user experience

Understanding technological advancements on customer experiences in other...

The future of remote work is happening now, here’s how to make it work for you

The office environment that many grew up with will soon be a relic Remote work...

Is your entrepreneurial journey just another rat race? Here are 20 things that say it might just be so

A rat race player has no time to wonder about creative solutions to different...

The reality of influencer marketing in the age of digital content

 Influencers know their audience better and by having them in the planning...

What’s Silicon Valley’s secret sauce : what Asian entrepreneurs can learn in terms of culture

Silicon Valley culture is borderless and inclusive to those who adopt...

‘Why’ you lead will determine how well you will lead

Your motivation to lead is what will determine what kind of leader you will be...

gojek, Warung Pintar investors buy a local bank. This is why we are excited

The bank aims to transform itself into a “tech-based banking...

At odds with mainland China: Shenzhen special economic zone and decentralised ledger technology

Despite their global visions and border agnostic designs, public blockchains...

What it is really like to be a woman in tech

Ultimately, the goal is for women in the industry to be pictured as a CEO, and...

3 types of hobbies every growth-minded individual needs to cultivate

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Words that were hard...