An open letter to the almost but never quite there

Dear Sir/Madam Almost But Never Quite There, This is an open letter to the...

Investment tech must ride the swell of fintech in Southeast Asia

Does tech have a hierarchy of needs? If tech consumers had their own...

How to make yourself work when you don’t have any motivation

“Don’t break the chain.” These four simple words helped Jerry...

In democracy, social media is the fruit of the poisoned tree

As Indonesia voted, Instagram became the most important tool for political...

What is true entrepreneurship and innovation?

Let’s take a moment to dissect the career buzzword of the century –...

This is the story of how two Go-Jek drivers once made me cry

But I swear it was for a good reason Disclaimer: I do not cry very easily. It is...

The things online marketplace veterans can teach us

The e-commerce scene has evolved and grown exponentially since the first wave of...

The mental anguishes of an average co-worker

Co-working spaces are everywhere and thankfully one regular worker gave us...

Why Tik Tok is not a real competitor to Instagram

Tik Tok is not as sticky as it seems, but more important, Bytedance isn’t...

The world should wish the Singapore fake news law is Fake News

A solution in search of a problem has put Singapore at number one on yet another...