After the correction comes The Conclusion

 Winter came, and now it’s time for a season of shut downs, sell...

Charging startups to apply to an accelerator is exploitative and dumb

 Yesterday, a little birdie told me about Nextt, an accelerator (probably...

Listing as a form of Series A or B: The case of migme

Migme is a good case study on whether it is better to raise Series A or B type...

Listing as a form of Series A or B: The case of migme

Migme is a good case study on whether it is better to raise Series A or B type...

Listing as a form of Series A or B: The case of migme

Migme is a good case study on whether it is better to raise Series A or B type...

Listing as a form of Series A or B: The case of migme

Migme is a good case study on whether it is better to raise Series A or B type...

Listing as a form of Series A or B: The case of migme

Migme is a good case study on whether it is better to raise Series A or B type...

Listing as a form of Series A or B: The case of migme

Migme is a good case study on whether it is better to raise Series A or B type...

Will photo art phenom Prisma raise or get bought?

 Prisma morphs your photos into fine art like Picasso or Mondrian, and...

A Vice President Pence would be bad for building US culture of innovation

 With a tweet from The Donald himself, it’s official that Governor...