To fix SoundCloud, it must become the anti-Spotify

 Startups die by suicide, not competition. It wasn’t that anyone was...

How I cured my tech fatigue by ditching feeds

 On paper, smartphones are amazing pieces of glass. They have magically...

How to drop off your AI kids on their first day of school

Businesses are nervously approaching the chasm, whence they must take a leap of...

At Burning Man while your startup burns

 There’s a difference between clearing your head, and ditching your...

Google’s brave new friendless feed

 It’s like Facebook without all those annoying “friends”....

How taxis can be the disruptors again with the LTFRB crackdown on Uber and Grab

This is a big opportunity for taxis to get back their customers but they need to...

Most important lesson I learned as a startup writer is to not blindly trust entrepreneurs

I know I am making a bold statement here, but this is true...

A template for investor/founder sexual harassment policy

 Venture capitalists need to adopt formal policies to protect startup...

500 Startups is bigger than Dave McClure, and the tribe is about creating life-changing innovations for the community

I am not suggesting that this is an issue that is to be slighted or glossed...

For India, it is time to stop complaining and start playing Olympic sports

The sole purpose of this venture is to identify talent at the school level and...