6 ways a prototype will add value to your new venture

These days, everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, pitching their latest and...

How startups can tap on their own employees to improve their offerings

Businesses these days spend typically significant amounts of money on quality...

Benchling’s software for managing biotech research nabs $34.5 million

In a field where the laboratory notebook is still considered the state of the...

Join raises $4M seed round to build a better construction planning platform

Startup Join wants to modernize the back office for an industry that’s...

How to approach startups from a radically different perspective

Startups can often focus on the wrong metrics. This strategy will put you on the...

The lessons I learnt from being in The Start Pre-accelerator

Aiming to launch with a “perfect” version of your product is a...

Building a better MVP: How to say no to the wrong things so you can say yes to the right things

How to say “No” to the wrong things so you can say...

Thinking of opening your platform for other developers? Here are 3 benefits of an open API

Take the shift from product to platform We all love our smartphones. But what if...

A valuable product strategy you might not have considered

Never turn away from additional revenue opportunities As business owners, we are...

Can’t handle rejection? How to successfully move forward with your business endeavours

Nobody likes getting rejected. But for entrepreneurs, it can actually be a...