How I built a business across three countries with only remote workers

When I first decided to start my own business – a PR agency – I...

Brooke Hammerling on how early-stage startups should think about PR

It’s easy to remember the big names in tech. But we often forget about the...

How startups should approach public relations

When deciding whether to hire in-house public relations or engage an agency,...

As an entrepreneur, are you ready to meet the press?

Even the earliest stage startup can rise to visibility or be forever lost by...

How PR agencies can use big data to optimise their campaigns

Big data can also play an important role in managing PR crises The amount of...

Funding news is not public relations: Building your startup’s story world

Funding news is not a strategy; founders should contribute more value-add...

Save it for a rainy day: How startups can handle media crisis like a pro

Can’t afford to hire a PR consultant? Left to handle media crisis all by...

The master list of PR DON’Ts (or how not to piss off the writer covering your startup)

When it comes to working with journalists, so many people are, frankly, idiots....

Want investors to come to you? Do these 3 things

Just as you set up an infrastructure for capturing client leads, you must also...

Lime tries to back-peddle on VP’s line on why it hired Definers

Scooter startup Lime has sought to back peddle on an explanation given by...