How to write a PR pitch for your white paper

Get to the point, and drop the jargon You’re reading this because you want...

Inside the pay-for-post ICO industry

In a world where nothing can be trusted and fake news abounds, ICO and crypto...

9 ways to garner brand attention outside of social media

Despite its popularity, social media is not the only platform for your brand to...

Storytelling for B2B startups: Avoiding ‘buzzword bingo’ to make your wonky enterprise company worth talking about

If there's one thing I learned from my time as both a journalist at The...

How to communicate your organisation’s vision in a world of skeptics

Even these most famous vision communicators honed their ability through...

Founder of SumoStory makes video to apologise for promoting clients on Forbes; PR firms respond

In the video, a penitent Chris Chong is shown explaining his actions  ...

How to be the (best) face for your brand

It is important for brands to be represented by the right face In an ideal...

The 5 questions to ask to get the timing right for your next PR campaign

Your next PR campaign could fall flat if you don’t position it for success...

How startups can avoid Bodega’s PR disaster

 Oh, Bodega. The newly launched startup’s insensitivity hit some...

Failures teach us way more than the successes, and other lessons I learned as an entrepreneur

Life throws a lot of surprises at us and at every stage its important to look at...