We analysed Singles’ Day consumer behaviour from the Philippines, and this is what we found

Despite the mall culture, Filipinos are becoming more active in e-commerce,...

Unique consumer behaviour trends in Malaysia during the 2018 Singles’ Day sale

The online shopping festival has gained much attention in Malaysia this year as...

Trends and predictions for the 11.11 and 12.12 digital commerce sales periods in Malaysia

The final quarter of the year is the most important period for e-commerce...

Singapore less likely to experience e-commerce fraud, but victims lose a larger chunk

Globally, e-commerce is expected to see US$4.06 trillion in sales by 2020,...

Captain’s Log, November 13: Amazon’s imminent launch in Australia, Bitcoin price slides amid Civil War

Also, Shanghai is building a massive personal data exchange system and AXA...

Alibaba vs JD: Getting Singles Day packages to your door

Breaking down the biggest sales day in the world Alibaba vs JD: Getting Singles...

Do Indonesian customers still need HARBOLNAS?

As “fictional discount” cases increased during Indonesia’s...

Stat Wars: The Force is strong with this year’s retail holiday heroes

As fanboys and fangirls get ready for the Rogue One, find out how Southeast...

This rose is not without thorns: Alibaba’s 8th Singles’ Day fest

Alibaba broke Gross Merchants Volume of USD 100 million in 40 seconds on...

This rose is not without thorns: Alibaba’s 8th Singles’ Day fest

Alibaba broke Gross Merchants Volume of USD 100 million in 40 seconds on...