Meet SoundCloud rival Audius, free & anti-takedowns

“It was SoundCloud’s opportunity to lose and now it’s...

How Kobalt is betting on music’s middle class and DIY stars

Streaming services have made music ubiquitous, driving more exploration by...

‘Breaking Into Startups’: Torch CEO and Well Clinic founder Cameron Yarbrough on mental health & coaching

There has long been a stigma associated with therapy and mental health coaching,...

Using full-body MRIs, Ezra can now detect 11 cancers in men and 13 in women

When Ezra first launched about six months ago, the company was using magnetic...

SoundCloud finally lets more musicians monetize four years later

SoundCloud moves painfully slow for a tech company, and no one feels that pain...

Soundcloud on the blockchain? Audius raises $5.5M to decentralize music

Audius wants to cut the middlemen out music streaming so artists get paid their...

RapChat raises $1.6 million to help you make and share your def jams

The first thing to understand about media sharing app RapChat is that co-founder...

SoundCloud resuscitates home screen with personalized playlists

 After laying off 40% of its staff and securing $169 million in emergency...

To fix SoundCloud, it must become the anti-Spotify

 Startups die by suicide, not competition. It wasn’t that anyone was...

Dubset makes Sony the first major label legalized for remixing

 Spotify and Apple Music could soon get the legal grey area of music like...