Descartes Labs raises $30 million Series B for its brand of geospatial analytics

 Descartes Labs is announcing a $30 million Series B this morning in a...

Microsatellite radar imaging startup raises $13M to launch new constellation

 Finland-based ICEYE is launching a constellation of microsatellites with...

Made In Space reveals the Archinaut, a robot-operated factory in the sky

 Made In Space is known as the company behind the 3D printers on board the...

Orbital Insight closes $50M Series C led by Sequoia

 This morning Orbital Insight, a geospatial analytics startup, announced...

Commission your own traffic and construction studies without ever leaving bed using SpaceKnow

 The number of things that can be done from the comfort of one’s own...

GeoVisual Search from Descartes Labs makes the Earth searchable

 Scavenger hunts just got significantly more tactical with Descartes...

LeoLabs raises $4M to build out its space debris collision avoidance network

 Low-Earth orbit is a prime candidate for explosive commercial growth, but...

Descartes Labs opens its geospatial analysis engine to a handful of lucky developers

 It’s easy to forget that even with the fanciest of machine...

TellusLabs wants to help us better understand our planet

 If you’ve spent time following companies like Orbital Insight...

This startup uses space technology in its odour eliminator

It’s like having a piece of the international space station right in your...