Why leading a startup is like being in high school

As a startup leader, there are a lot of tips you can take from the scenes of...

Why leading a startup is like being in high school

As a startup leader, there are a lot of tips you can take from the scenes of...

Why leading a startup is like being in high school

As a startup leader, there are a lot of tips you can take from the scenes of...

Why leading a startup is like being in high school

As a startup leader, there are a lot of tips you can take from the scenes of...

Augmented reality makes prototyping easy on Shaper’s Origin CNC machine

 Innovations in 3D printing have done their part to inspire maker-culture....

All 44 startups that launched at Y Combinator S16 Demo Day 1

 Farm drones, autonomous security guards and next-generation tampons were...

India is now world’s 3rd largest tech startup hub

An Indian research organisation ranks India and China together, right behind the...

LendUp fights big banks with $47M for compassionate credit cards

 Banks win when the poor lose. Credit cards can trap people in debt and...

Happy 25th birthday, Linux

 Linux will turn 25 years old on August 25, the day Linus Torvalds sent out...

Proxy raises $1.6 million to kill the card key, and make the internet of things more accessible

 A startup called Proxy has raised $1.6 million in seed funding to help...