Star Trek and Harry Potter have ruined business travel

 Most of us techies agree that optimal travel is teleportation or...

Grab starts collaborating with Taxi companies, onboards 2nd largest taxi operator in Singapore

The partnership is Grab’s first with a taxi operator and will see...

Dubai could be the first country to hop on Hyperloop One’s global shipping train

 Hyperloop One tells TechCrunch it might be building its crazy fast...

A first look at the Alta Motors all-electric-motorcycle factory

 Motorcycle makers Alta Motors have opened the doors to their new factory...

Skully officially admits it’s over

 It took more than a week for remaining Skully execs to admit to themselves...

Didi wins, Uber retreats, but Chinese riders and drivers lose

 No one wants to fight a land war in Asia, not even Uber. It could have...

Chariot launches service for people who don’t work downtown

 Chariot, the commuter shuttle company that can transport up to 14...

Hyperloop One unveils new manufacturing plant in Nevada

 Hyperloop One is today announcing the opening of its first manufacturing...

Tesla and Uber have more in common than you might think

 Elon Musk’s new master plan catapults Tesla into a new market;...

Grabr launches peer-to-peer marketplace for international shipping

 The international shipping industry is under siege by the tech world....