Today’s top tech news: UNDP, 500 Startups reveals 9 Indonesian startups from the ImpactAim’s Demo Day

UNDP, 500 Startups held ImpatAim Indonesia’s Demo Day, presenting 9...

Today’s top tech news: BEENEXT reveals plan to raise US$100M in new fund, IMDA launches Open Innovation Network

BEENEXT plans to raise US$100m for new fund [DealStreetAsia] Singaporean venture...

Indonesian APEC Business Advisory Council, UNDP to dedicate a social investment fund, aiming at financial inclusivity

A statement of intent between ABAC Indonesia, the country’s name for APEC...

UNDP partners 500 Startups to launch social entrepreneurship accelerator ImpactAim Indonesia

The selected startups must have raised seed capital and aims to fulfill the...

MaGIC, UN launch bootcamp for youth-led startups, social enterprises in Malaysia

Youth Co:Lab is envisioned to connect young innovators with subject matter...

Today’s top tech news, June 5: Singapore launches initiatives to bolster AI governance

Also, SGInnovate invests in AIDA, Grab launches smart mobility and...

Connector.ID launches in Indonesia to help entrepreneurs discover potential investors

Connector.ID is the result of a collaboration between ANGIN, the UNDP, the...