Logistics service Pakde raises US$400K in seed funding from TNKapital

Operating its own warehouses in Bandung and Jakarta, Indonesia-based Pakde has...

Natali Ardianto joins EmasDigi as CTO

EmasDigi is an Indonesian startup that focusses on online gold trading Following...

Launching new headquarter, Tiket.com claims rapid growth post-acquisition

Tiket.com claimed to have secured 20,000 daily transactions; its mobile app has...

In its fight to secure e-money licensing, Grab halts GrabPay credit top-up feature

Grab confirmed that the company is currently in “intensive” talks...

Plug and Play Indonesia hosts demo day for 9 startups in its inaugural batch

The startups will continue to receive support until they secure a deal from...

Visio Incubator on the journey to support West Sumatra’s startup ecosystem

Padang-based Visio Incubator already has 27 startups on board, and will open a...

Tokopedia to explore more fintech services this year

Starting with ease of credit card application, Tokopedia will soon launch other...

The 3 biggest challenges faced by fashion and beauty startups

It is important to implement strategy to differentiate from other startups...