The Taiwanese startup will use the funds to launch its new freelance developer platform CodementorX


Taiwan- and US-based startup Codementor has raised US$1.6 million in a round led by cross-border investment firm WI Harper.

The newly-raised capital will be used to launch its new freelance software developer platform CodementorX. The difference between Codementor’s existing on-demand live software development mentorship platform and CodementorX is that the latter allows companies to easily hire the top performing two per cent of Codementor’s database of software engineers (currently at 150,000) conveniently.

CodementorX differentiates itself from other traditional freelancer platforms by functioning as an invite-only network of senior engineers at Silicon Valley companies, startup CTOs from top accelerators, top Stack Overflow contributors, and experienced freelancers.

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It also offers a project management assistance system that allows clients to work alongside a project manager and CodementorX developer.

Among the projects developed during CodementorX’s alpha rollout phase include a patient management system for a major vision correction chain and a Bitcoin platform for educational charity. Its clients include global tech startup accelerator Techstars, who participated in an earlier US$1.2 million funding round in Codementor along with 500 Startups and other angel investors.

Weiting Liu, Founder and CEO of Codementor, told e27 that 55 per cent of its developers are based in US; 30 per cent in Europe; and 15 per cent in Asia.

That 15 per cent in Asia translates into about 800 engineers, developers and CTOs, hailing from countries such as India, Taiwan, China, Singapore and Thailand.

“We’re very excited about the growth of the startup environment in Asia, and with our roots here we’d love to further establish our presence in two ways – via both supply and demand sides,” said Liu.

“Demand-side:  Many fast growing companies in Southeast Asia are facing the challenge of being unable to hire enough engineers to keep up with their growth. With CodementorX as an on-demand software developer platform, we can help Asian companies hire great world-class developers and grow faster.”

“Supply-side: We’ve already been connecting developers in Asia to opportunities in the US, and we believe we can potentially act as a bridge to connect local top talent to global opportunities (for example, connecting developers in Taiwan to Y Combinator startups).”

Image Credit: Codementor

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