Automated innovations must be adopted to augment traditional HR roles


New innovations occur every day in today’s corporate world. These innovations do not care about differences between industries, departments or people. In fact, they tend to replace entire industries and departments, along with the people who work within them. For instance, RFID technology in supply chain management has drastically reduced warehouse staffing while doing a far superior job to human input.

RFID technology has revolutionized supply chain management. It does not just replace barcodes, but ensures that the right goods are available in the right place with zero error. This is an example of an innovative product displacing a traditional product. But what happens when an innovative product displaces a traditional job? The answer is digital automation.

And digital automation has already affected jobs at many levels. Within Southeast Asia alone, millions of jobs are expected to be lost to such automation.

Also read: The rise of machines: How this startup uses AI to help employees upgrade their skills

HR professionals might be tempted to think digital automation is limited to manufacturing and labor-intensive jobs (wrong). The digital transformation of HR has already begun. Payroll, facility booking, and other administrative tasks have already been automated by complex Internal HR Management Systems (HRMS).

Even talent acquisition, a traditionally human task, is being automated through ArtificiaI Intelligence (AI). The modern HR professional is an expert at navigating these systems and interpreting the data that they generate, rather than being knowledgeable in the nuances of the individual functions of HRMS.

Also read: 5 ways you can instantly become more tech savvy

The once varied role of HR professionals may cease to exist in the near future. But with automation and new systems comes the opportunity for a new breed of Digital HR professionals.

Rather than fighting against the inevitable digitalization of HR, practitioners must learn how to fit into this brave new digital world to survive.

Here are 3 things you must know in order to remain relevant.


1. Learn the digital language of data analytics

HR professionals ignore data analytics at their own peril. One big advantage of digital automation is the tremendous amount of data about your customers, employees and potential hires that is generated. Learning how to interpret this is the key to efficient and successful work. Data analytics uncovers otherwise hidden trends and insights, and allows to approach traditionally difficult HR obstacles in a methodical manner.

Data analytics helps HR professionals understand their roles better

HR analytics

Source: Opportune Technologies

2. Think innovatively about your value-add

The one thing AI and automation cannot do, is think like a human. Your value-add is in your cognitive processes, not your ability to do routine work. That is why data analytics is so important; you make sense of the routine work that AI and automation does for you. In fact, as automation revolutionizes HR, the need for HR professionals able to think critically about their roles will grow rapidly.

Effect of technology on employment by nature of occupation


Source: Technology and people: The great job-creating machine, Deloitte


Many startups have realized this, and have tapped into innovation to initiate the disruption mentioned above. Your HR career can benefit greatly from such innovation too.

3. Understand the digital tools at your disposal

HR professionals today have an endless variety of tools that help them perform their job, particularly in the field of recruitment. One such tool is LinkedIn, which enables HR recruiters to reach out to a highly curated field of qualified potential employees. With new tools come new complexities. Ensure that you are capable of using them properly; you may run the risk of being inefficient or worse, alienating the people you are looking to hire. Many digital tools produce data for you to track how effective your activities are. Analyze this data, and improve your work efficiency.


Disclosure: This article is sponsored by Lithan

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