Participants will build apps to support a military operation in three different aspects


Indonesian tech media DailySocial has announced a partnership with the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI-AD) to host Hackathon Kartika Eka Paksi Cipta Yudha TNI-AD, a military-themed hackathon meant to discover promising local talents to support the country’s defense unit.

The event will be held from October 7 to 9 at the armed forces’ training centre in Bogor, West Java, which will provide the participants an opportunity to be “directly involved in running a military operation on the IT field.”

“The Hackathon Kartika Eka Paksi Cipta Yudha TNI-AD is TNI-AD’s effort to bring together civilian technology experts to work hand-in-hand in building the nation’s land defense,” according to an official statement.

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“Developers will be involved in a military mission in the field of technology by building application for the state’s land defense in 24 hours, under the direction of TNI-AD,” it added.

Fifty applicants will be chosen to take part in the hackathon. They will be required to build apps for three different aspects of a military operation: territorial management, battle operations, and operational supports.

Territorial management challenges participants to build an app that can help military personnel in safeguarding the country’s borders, while battle operations challenge participants to build an app that can assist soldiers in combat.

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As for operational support, it involves a wide range of different fields from logistics to topography to budgeting.

The participants will be judged by the likes of Rama Mamuaya (CEO of DailySocial), Tommy Dian Pratama (Head Technologist of DailySocial), DR. Ir. Benny Ranti, M.Sc (Expert Staff in Information Technology Division for the Indonesian National Armed Forces Chief of Staff), and Yusuf Kyber Hasnoputro (Expert Staff in Information Technology Division for the Indonesian National Armed Forces Chief of Staff).

The champion will win up to IDR25 million (US$1,900) cash prize.

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Prior to the competition, DailySocial and TNI-AD are set to host two meet-ups in Jogjakarta on September 28 and Malang on September 29. The meet-ups will be an opportunity for developers to understand the armed forces’ technological needs while receiving technical briefing about the competition.

Application is now open until September 30, and selected applicants will be announced by DailySocial on October 3.

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