These data jobs are posted at the e27 jobs channel


Do you find a lot of satisfaction sifting through and analysing data? Then one of these might be the job you’re looking for:


1. Data Scientists for Peach IntelliHealth

Location: Singapore
Job Description:

  • Interact with multiple business, technical, and operations teams to define and deliver new and innovative solutions and products
  • Apply artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining technologies for solving problems encountered in improving healthcare delivery in hospitals and homes
  • Explore, design, and implement a robust production-grade data processing pipeline that can ingest, aggregate, transform, and analyse large health-related datasets
  • Research and develop new artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms

Peach IntelliHealth is an artificial intelligence and machine learning company focussed on improving healthcare outcomes through actionable data analytics.



2. Data Analysis Intern for CanLaw

Location: Malaysia
Job Description:
Develop and track campaign progress to drive CanLaw towards milestones and contributing to an exciting, creative, rapid test and learn environment.

CanLaw is a legal tech startup seeking to innovate the legal profession through the use of technology. It is a lawyer-discovery platform that helps businesses and users find and hire lawyers based on preferences.



3. A.I./Natural Language Processing/Machine Learning Engineer for AiChat

Location: Singapore
Job Description:

  • Implement new features
  • Deploy AiChat into multiple messaging platforms
  • Optimise code for scaling
  • Create language models from text data
  • Develop highly scalable classifiers and tools leveraging machine learning data, data regression, and rules-based models
  • Work closely with product teams to implement algorithms that power user and developer-facing products

AiChat is a conversational commerce platform for businesses to create and manage chatbots easily on Facebook messenger.



4. A.I. Architect for HYPERLAB

Location: Malaysia
Job Description:

  • Big data understanding and processing
  • Statistical and actuarial studies
  • Data processing and analytics
  • Machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Natural language processing

HYPERLAB is a technology company transforming how businesses communicate using artificial intelligence and a proprietary messaging platform. Founded by Chris Greenough, Janet Teo, and Vic Sithasanan



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Featured image credit: sifotography / 123RF Stock Photo

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