The aggrieved national servicemen expressed their displeasure on the app’s review page

Singapore Army

The SGSecure mobile application has drawn flak from men serving their National Service after they were reportedly forced to download the app for face punitive action.

A flurry of NS men left the app 1-star reviews in response, after allegedly being threatened that they will be charged, will have to do extra duty or that their IC won’t be returned to them after they end their 2-year service.

Also Read: Singapore Ministry of Manpower wants an app for foreign workers developed — for free

Launched in September 2016, the SGSecure app aims to prepare the public to deal with possible terror attacks. It allows users make direct emergency calls, report emergencies and receive emergency alerts.

The article “Download or get charged” – NSFs forced to download SGSecure App give it scathing 1-star reviews was syndicated from The Independent

Image Credit: prestonia / 123RF Stock Photo

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