This person has an entrepreneurial attitude but feels an MBA will help in being prepared when it comes time to start a company

I have a friend who is full of ideas and eventually dreams of starting a business. The person is convinced that an MBA is key to the company’s future success.

I however, think a teach yourself approach is far more effective. Sure, an MBA can teach the value of EBITA or trade credit, but really, can’t an afternoon of research lead to the same results?

Plus, won’t the EBITA lesson sink in better when I realise I am operating in the red and need to turn that around?

Finally, MBAs are EXPENSIVE. Is it worth the investment?

Also Read: Is Singapore tech ecosystem sustainable? Report shows half of startups operating at loss

My friend thinks I am devaluing higher education and the expertise of people smarter than myself. Plus, if the company goes under, it is nice to have the MBA and be able to jump into another job if necessary.

e27 community, what do you think? MBA or the ‘just go for it’ model?

Copyright: andrewgenn / 123RF Stock Photo

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