Women-in-tech need to do more than just gathering in a seminar to talk. What can they do to take it beyond the auditorium?


More than a week has passed since the New York Times published a piece that revealed sexual harassment cases involving top players in the tech industry.

Since then, more women have spoken up about their experiences as more cases are opened up to the public, with the most recent being sexual harassment reports on executives at Cool Japan Fund.

The global tech community is now striving to find the best solution to tackle this problem.

Last month, we have discussed about how we can make tech events more inclusive for industry players from all walk of life –regardless of their gender, race, age, economic background, and sexual orientation.

Today, let us take the discussion even further. Considering all the issues faced by women in the tech industry, from wage gap to representation to sexual harassment, is it enough for the community to simply host women-in-tech events?

We held panel discussions attended by leading female founders and investors, and hosted coding workshops for girls in schools. But should we take it beyond the auditorium? And what can we do to make it more effective?

Ladies (and gentlemen), let’s discuss!

Image Credit: studiostoks / 123RF Stock Photo

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