It is a verbalisation of those small observations we all have on a train ride, under the shower or at the coffee shop in a busy district watching people passing by

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A lot of companies create newsletters as just another marketing tool. They are often just sales jobs that don’t add any value besides the random discount code.

Sometimes, they even go as far as letting the reader think they have the option of unsubscribing, only to surprise-visit your inbox the next day with offers and content nobody cares about.

There are two kinds of people in this interconnected web world: those who subscribe and those who curate.

Some people are good at managing their inbox, religiously clearing their notifications and keeping everything clean. For those folks, subscribe away!

The other half of society needs to curate their inbox, the are less on-top of their emails and need to only receive contents that provide value. If not, their emails will be a swamp of trash hiding the few gems.

Also Read: Tweet about your #startuplyfe and win tickets to Echelon Asia Summit 2019!

Content delivered to your inbox should feel like a visit from a friend. Here at e27, we open our Daily Digest with the musings and ramblings of Kevin or Lyra. They are real people behind our platform, and we hope their day-to-day insights provide some humanity to Daily Digest.

It is like a pause that does not judge or heavily assess life. It is a verbalisation of those small observations we all have on a train ride, under the shower or at the coffee shop in a busy district watching people passing by. It is that warm feeling that we want to include and slip into your inbox, that when you read it, it really is like reading your own thought.

After our musings, we bring you the news you need, the upcoming events and features about Southeast Asia’s startup scene.

We firmly believe that by adding Daily Digest into your lives, you will not only start the day off right, but learn a bit along the way.

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Also Read: Why be a thought leader at Echelon Asia Summit 2019?

The post e27’s Daily Digest is that sprinkle of humanity in your email inbox appeared first on e27.