Be creative, and provide a pleasant e-shopping experience

44814405 - close up of two women walking with shopping bags in shopping mall

Conversions are one of the most important steps in the sales funnel for any e-commerce platform. However the era ‘build it and they will come’ is long over in the field of e-commerce businesses. If you want to compete, then you need to be more proactive in marketing your platform.

The e-commerce marketplace is growing more crowded by the day, which is why you should make sure your platform is optimised for sales. Competition is tough, and customers are faced with many options — both in generic and niche e-commerce — that any misstep might make your potential customers check the next available e-commerce site instead.

Most online shoppers have very little understanding of how an e-commerce site works, and once you lose a customer, your chances of getting that customer back are slim to none due to the high competition.

To help mitigate theses risks, here are the some powerful, surefire ways to increase your e-commerce sales:

1. Establish a responsive web design

Your e- commerce website design is an important factor you must consider if you want to attract customers to buy your products. Responsive design makes it possible for your website to adapt perfectly to any mobile and desktop screen size. It does not matter whether your customers are using small phones or big desktop screens; responsive design will ensure that your products are displayed stylishly and uniformly on the screen.

responsive web design

There is a high chance of making better sales when your website showcases products that look appealing and stunning. Besides, the number of consumers using mobile phones to surf the web are on the rise, and having responsive online store will definitely help you generate sales.

2. Introduce extra offers

Most big e-commerce sites use extra offer tactics to increase sales. Any page that customers use to arrive on your site should have additional features such as extra offers, related products, call-to-action, continue shopping link, and so on. Shopping must not stop at a particular product. Take every opportunity to upsell, especially with products that will interest customers.

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You will be surprised how some customers will end up buying more than what they initially intended. This tip will help your customers discover other best-selling products, just in case they no longer want to buy the one that originally brought them to your site.

3. Integrate best-selling features

Incorporating best-selling products on your e-commerce site will help your customers gain better insights into which products are high in demand. Most customers prefer to see products that other customers are already buying — people love patronising trending products, after all. You can integrate this feature on the bottom or sidebar of every page showcasing awesome images of each featured product.

You will need to determine which are the best-selling products on your platform, in the first place. You can then use that knowledge to increase sales, keep customers on your site longer, and promote products bought by other like-minded customers.

4. Leverage social media networks

Don’t neglect the power of social media engagement strategy to increase sales. Engage with your customers on major social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, and the rest. Social networks are among the useful places people turn to when searching for local products or services.

social media

You can do several things on social media: Establish your presence, showcase your products, and engage with potential customers. Discuss your trending products on your page, and encourage friends and followers to share your posts. There is a big chance that they will also share information about products they like.

Integrate social media icons on your site, so customers can easily share information and links about your products with their family and friends. Social media networks are an effective marketing platform you can’t afford to overlook.

5. Be creative

This actually applies to just about any startup or business idea you will execute. So many people are selling online, and they might actually be selling the same thing as you are. But with creativity, you can stand out. Your shop will be very boring if you are not creative enough to provide a good environment for your customers.

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There is always room for improvement in every e-commerce site. Find that gap, and work on it. You’ll be amazed at how a little improvement will help increase conversions on your site.

6. Encourage comments and reviews

Online customers are mostly driven by the opinions of their friends, social network contacts, and other customers concerning products they want to buy. Since they are not touching the product physically before purchase, some insights on the performance of the product by other buyers can help increase their desire to buy. Reminding a potential customer that they are not alone can go a long way in closing a sale.

Customer ratings and reviews are an important strategy, especially in big online marketplaces. Thus, platforms like Amazon use reviews to win their customers heart. You can implement that on your site, too. Don’t worry about negative reviews — studies show that customers perceive a good balance between positive and negative reviews as more honest, instead of having all-positive ratings and reviews.

7. Offer discount codes

Giving out discount codes is one of the surefire ways to increase e-commerce sales — these can encourage customers to buy more than they originally intended. You can offer a limited time price discount for a certain date, or you give out free products for every purchase of a certain quantity. You can also offer limited-time discounts, so that your customers will be encouraged to make their purchase decision sooner.

Another form of discount is offering free shipping when a certain price or volume is met. It all depends on how far you can go to make a sale.

8. Optimise your user interface

Your e-commerce platform should make it effortless for customers to find the product they want. Make sure your home page communicates your value proposition, and that the interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Don’t try to pack everything into the home page, but instead provide a search feature that will help your customers to easily locate their desire product — you can even help them narrow things down by price, and other factors.

9. Strategise with hover ads

Hover ads are a very useful online marketing tactic you can implement that can help increase e-commerce sales. Ads come with special offers or other important information that will encourage customers to take action. Hover ads are a great tool that can also help increase subscriptions and followers to your site.

10. Improve site and image design

The human eye is mostly attracted to good product design, so using eye-catching images for your products will go a long way in boosting your sales. Be professional and let your product design motivate your customers to have more interest. Use captivating and beautiful product images.

Also Read: Branding basics: 6 steps to an effective e-commerce branding strategy


There is no magic bullet to boosting sales and cementing your lead in the e-commerce industry. Implementing the above tips can help you solidify your presence, boost conversions, and gain repeat customers.


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