How Kdan Mobile’s DottedSign changes the way we do e-documents

Digital Signature Kdan Mobile DottedSign

Back when the idea of an electronic scheme was merely a theory, signing documents was not without hiccups. First, it usually meant a longer turnaround time, especially when there were multiple signatories. More than that, the geographical zone differences of these signatories could also add to the delay.

Second, the possibility of human error — such as placing your signature on the wrong section, or missing a signature altogether — could mean having to repeat the process all over again. This is especially difficult when dealing with sensitive documents that aren’t easy to replicate.

Third, the security of documents may be compromised since paper documents could be easily tampered with.

Thankfully, an abundance of digital solutions available in the market today have stepped up to help solve these challenges. The evolution of signing has gone from paper to paperless, and now to cloud-based signature service. These services ushered in a new way of doing document signing by helping in the following areas:

● reduce courier costs
● expedite turnaround time
● increase productivity, and
● upgrade a document’s security and legality.

The number of e-sign services is on the rise, but one particular player is making a name for itself

The convenience of electronic documents has made digital signing a fundamental part of the modern-day workflow. The progress of technology, the rise of the gig economy, and the advent of employing remote workers all contributed to this phenomenon.

In recent years, we’ve also seen how the digital signing landscape has been influenced by the growth of both mobile workers and mobile users. With telecommuting and remote working is increasingly gaining popularity among both startups and traditional businesses, employees and constituents may be working in various locations at any given time. Additionally, as of 2019, smartphone users in the Asia Pacific region are at 1,483.4 million.

These scenarios reveal the need for a secure, accessible, and mobile-friendly digital signing solution. To this end, several e-sign services currently out in the market have been adapting to these swift changes. Adobe Sign, for instance, recently made digital signing available directly from Dropbox. DocuSign, another player, boasts of a product that matches the needs of its consumers.

Despite the surge in e-sign services, there’s room for one more player. Enter DottedSign, a smart e-signature solution launched earlier this year. Aimed at providing solutions for mobile workers, the service was built on mobile-friendly UI that helps mobile workers finish their work with just a few simple taps. It was also designed to support multiple languages, so all users can use with ease.

Although a new player in the field, DottedSign has already proven its reliability in important negotiations. During the Echelon Asia Summit 2019, e27 and AsiaIOA electronically signed a Memorandum of Understanding through DottedSign’s reliable partner.

This wasn’t the only notable signing engagement where DottedSign’s services became an instrumental component to. During two events in Tokyo — the Venture Cafe Tokyo and Tokyo Startup Station — the e-sign service was also used, ultimately attracting various parties.

DottedSign — not just another e-sign service

Recently, e27 sat with Kdan Mobile’s CEO Kenny Su to talk more about DottedSign and why his company decided to offer an e-sign service. The foray, says Su, was but a natural response given the company’s history of having started as a PDF application developing technique.

Before its launch of DottedSign, Kdan Mobile has been building mobile software applications and online services since 2009. Their solutions empower the world to create, distribute, and conjoin projects through the use of mainstream digital devices.

Throughout the years, their services have been used by 5 million members across 167 countries worldwide and received a total of 150 million downloads. This serves as proof of their solid reputation is their market presence not only in Taiwan where they are headquartered, but also across China, the U.S., and Japan.

One major reason why Kdan Mobile’s apps have been the go-to app for consumers is because of its flexibility and user-friendly interface. Their services are available for download on desktop, Android, and iOS, and have been carefully built with the consumers in mind. In addition, Kdan Mobile’s push for cloud-based applications means that their services are easily accessible anywhere, anytime.

Their extensive experience as a SaaS provider is why DottedSign is not just another e-sign service. In conceptualising DottedSign, their solid background in SaaS due to their experiences in developing apps in the past years has proven beneficial for providing solutions to mobile workers. Furthermore, he adds that “today’s contracts are a little more complex than they used to be. There’s often a freelancer involved on one end (e.g. a programmer) who sends the contract, a small business that hires the freelancer, and a client that you’re working with. Thus, we’ve been working on a new, complete e-signature to optimise your business’s workflow that will change the way you sign documents, forms, contracts, and agreements forever.”

At a glance, DottedSign exhibits the following features:

Mobile-friendly user interface – DottedSign boasts of a friendly UI for people who rely on smart devices and travel a lot.
Visual signing task management flow – The visual progress bar makes it easy to monitor and track signing tasks by checking signers’ statuses. Meanwhile, a search tool makes it easy to find specific documents in the pile.
Security and legality warranty – Sign legally-enforceable, paperless document. Digital audit trails record every change made to the document, such as when it’s created, sent, viewed, signed, etc. One-Time Password (OTP) verification adds stronger authentication and better protection to personal identity and data.

DottedSign also lets you boost efficiency by multitasking documents at once. That is, it gathers all signing tasks in one place, including those that are completed, waiting for you to sign, and waiting on others’ signatures. What’s more, it simplifies the process of remote business by automating your document delivery. This means you can track progress by checking each signer’s status. You’re assured that nobody incorrectly places or misses a signature.

And it doesn’t stop there. Kdan Mobile continues to update more features that will be used in enterprise solutions in the near future, such as admin console for enterprises to manage their signing documents and open API for the integration to CRM system.

A two-week free access to DottedSign’s Pro features

For a limited time, DottedSign offers a 14-day trial so users could check out for themselves the features and benefits of using this e-sign service. What’s great about this offer is that it allows you to access its advanced Pro features, such as: creating multiple signature tasks, unlocking special input fields, or offering in-person signing. Enterprise users can learn about special pricing options by contacting the sales team through the website for more details. Ready to check it out? Click here to sign up for free and begin your two-week free access.

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