Leadership is something that comes naturally to some people, and some people don’t even understand the concept of leadership. It is hilarious how some people don’t even know when they are a lousy boss. Leadership is all about looking into the needs of the employees and the society and helping them to develop stronger.

To give the best working environment for your employees, you have to provide them with suitable tools, regular technology upgrades and tell them that you expect them to become the best in the business.

If you want them to believe in themselves, tell them that you believe in their potential and When employees get the things they want to complete their job, they will give you the results that are more than what you expected.

Instead of getting into the cause of why your employees are acting weird in the workplace, let’s do a reality check. The following points consist of the attributes that you must avoid as a leader.

1. If you’re selfish, you are not a leader!

This is one of the most toxic personality traits, no matter if you are a leader or anyone else, but especially in leadership, this can be very harmful to your business, employees, and everyone around you.

If you want your employees to stick to your company and business, then you have to give them the freedom to use their own creativity. Being a boss will not necessarily work for you every time.

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You have to show your employees why they are important for your business and this will increase the level of respect they have for you.

2. Taking all the credit and not praising your workers

Most of the times when the business or company prospers, the employers tend to take all credits and praises, that’s what they do wrong. Employees deserve equal recognition and commendations for their hard work.

A true leader is someone who understands that employees are a part of their prosperous business family.

If you praise your employees for their hard work, they will increase the level of their productivity, they will most likely stay loyal to you and your business, and most importantly, they will never act weird around the workplace.

Irritation is normal when you work hard on something, see the results, but don’t receive the credits for it.

3. They are your asset, not just your workforce

One of the worst thing a manager can do is to look at his employees as a workforce. When you start looking at your employees as a workforce, they look like a liability for your business.

That’s what I call the most terrible interpretation of a workforce. Your workforce is not a reason for your increased expenses in the industry. Your workforce is the most precious asset of your business.

Instead of looking at them as merely a source of productivity and profit generation, look at them as a precious asset and do everything possible to give them a healthy working environment.

This will reduce the level of stress for them at work, and they will work harder for the success of your business as a team. That’s how they will stay with you and your business forever!

What makes the difference?

People use the words “boss” and “leader” interchangeably, but these two words have different minor meanings as well. These slight differences play a vital role in the current scenario of the business environment.

One of the best points of distinction is that a boss is someone who takes charge of a team and assigns the task to the employees, whereas a leader is someone who motivates, inspires and aspires others to be the best version of themselves.

With that said, let’s look at some of the most crucial attributes of a manager, which makes him a good leader.

1. Tell them they are essential!

One of the most important tasks of a person after becoming a manager is to keep trying to build trust among the employees and encourage them to work as a team. That shows why a person can become a good leader. It will help the team create better communication and enhance the performance of the workers.

Encourage your workers to take part immensely in the daily tasks of the business and make them feel that they are an essential part of your business family.

2. Recognition is an ultimate morale booster

To boost the morale of your employees, you have to give them proper attention for their hard work in the business. In the past few years, almost sixteen per cent of workers left their job because they didn’t get the recognition that they deserve.

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In the US, more than 75 per cent of employees say that proper identification motivates them to do their best for their job.

3. Sometimes, just a slight push is enough

When your employees are passionate about their work, all they need from you is a small push, just a few words of motivation, an inspiring story, and that’s it! The amount of respect and you will gain after this will be unbelievable, I can assure you!

Tell them about the vision of your company or business. People tend to feel so good when they see they are a part of something fundamental.


In the long run, employees will stay with you only if they feel that you are a good leader. Anybody can become a boss and command people around him, but a leader helps in uplifting others, and that’s what makes him different.

Time has changed, and now, a leader has more respect than any other person. From the above points, see what qualities you have of a leader and what more you need to add in yourself to become a good leader and then see the change in your workplace.

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