Use data, automation and user-generated content to your advantage

Is your e-commerce business falling behind on conversion goals? Maybe you’re driving way lower conversions than the average website in your industry. You might have a few ideas what to do in order to improve certain aspects of your business. But you’re not sure how to get started with those improvements either. So here are a few tools that will be able to help you in increasing your e-commerce conversion:

1. Yotpo

You already know how important reviews are for an e-commerce website. The only problem is you’re not sure how to get those reviews. Yotpo is a tool that can help you collect genuine reviews from your customers, which you can use to build trust on your product pages. The tool also includes product recommendations in the review request so you can upsell and drive more conversions.

On your website, the tool displays reviews along with trust badges and reviewer info so as to further boost trust. It also helps you improve engagement by letting you respond to reviews easily and managing coupons and rewards. It even lets you turn your best reviews into ads to improve your marketing efforts.

2. Visual Website Optimizer

What if some elements on your site aren’t just helping you drive conversions? Visual Website Optimizer helps you find out by conducting A/B tests on different elements on your website. The tool includes features such as A/B testing, multivariate testing, split URL testing, heatmaps, landing page analyser, and more. So you can easily analyse what’s working and what isn’t to enhance the performance of your site.

3. Olark

Many customers may be abandoning your site because they can’t find what they’re looking for. Or maybe they’re confused about which product they should choose. What if they had customer support to answer their questions on a real-time basis? Many of those visits would turn into conversions. And Olark is a tool that can help you with that, as it enables you to provide live chat help to your site visitors.

The tool helps you monitor your visitors’ activities and shopping carts. You can then chat with those visitors real time and provide them with timely support. Once those chats are over, the tool then lets you collect instant feedback from the customers. So you’ll be able to keep a close track of their experience and find out how to further improve it.

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4. Sumo

Email marketing is a crucial part of your e-commerce marketing. But to execute an email marketing campaign, you need to capture email addresses first. Sumo is a tool to help you drive email signups with eye-catching popups. You can use the List Builder feature to create popups and then time them according to your preference. You can either have these popups appear on clicks or timers or even when people show an intention to leave your site.

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5. Woopra

To ensure that your target audience ends up buying your products, you need to have a better understanding of who those audiences are. Woopra is a comprehensive tool that lets you examine your customers’ profiles and track their activity on a real-time basis. It also makes it easier to segment customers into different categories based on their activities and shopping tendencies.

Woopra even displays personalised content and notifications to your customers, so as to personalise user experience and improve the chances of converting them. And using the tool’s Funnel Reports, you can get a clear idea as to the exact stage in which you’ve lost shoppers. This helps you optimise your sales funnel to drive conversions more effectively.

6. ViralSweep

Every once in a while, every e-commerce website needs to run a contest to boost visibility and grow their email list. ViralSweep lets you create successful sweepstakes without much effort. Using this tool, you can easily grow your email list and social following while raising awareness about your business. The tool also offers additional features like collecting user-generated content, creating embeddable gallery, enabling contest voting, detecting fraud, etc.

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7. Rejoiner

Tired of all the lost conversion opportunities when shoppers abandon their shopping cart? Rejoiner is a tool that helps you reach out to those customers and can even convert around 15per cent of abandoned carts. The tool sends out well-crafted cart abandonment emails personalised for each shopper. It can also send out browse abandonment emails to recapture shoppers who were looking through your products but didn’t take any action.

8. Unbounce

When you’re launching any advertising campaign, you need a well-designed landing page to match the campaign. Unbounce lets you customise landing pages for your campaigns without any difficulty. You can also create targeted overlays to show to specific users and increase conversions on different pages. There are plenty of existing templates to choose from and customise according to your needs.

9. Drip

It’s not easy to plan and manage your marketing campaigns. But with the Drip tool, you can easily automate every stage of your marketing. It helps you build a visual workflow, add or remove subscribers to certain campaigns, categorise subscribers based on their activities, and identify the best leads.

You can then send out automated emails to a select group of subscribers for certain campaigns. The tool also provides you with automatic performance tracking, through which you can gain a better understanding of how people behave on your site. You can manage lists so as to remove subscribers who haven’t been engaging with your mails for a while.

10. 5 Second Test

You can use the 5 Second Test to better understand what’s working and what isn’t on your home page, landing page, or product pages. You can upload your design, which people will view for five seconds. And then they will have to answer questions about what they remember in the design. It’s a useful tool to understand how people would respond to your website design.

In conclusion

All of these tools can have a huge impact on your site’s conversion rate. As you can see, there are tools to help you out in various aspects of your business. Now you can begin drawing up a plan to optimise your performance and make more sales. Which tool are you planning to try first? Let us know in the comments.


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