Partner Champ Suthipongchai will be speaking at Echelon Thailand on innovation through social impact from an SV perspective.

Echelon Thailand 2017 - May 15-16 - Champ Creative Ventures

Creative Ventures is a macroeconomic investment fund with a hands-on approach to match.

Creative Ventures invests into startups that address the impact of aging global populations, increasing labor shortages, and climate change driven resources crises. Creative focus on how these trends are impacting healthcare, industrial, and agriculture sector and whole-heartedly believe that this is the source of massive opportunity.

As a pro-active investor, this means Creative doesn’t throw money on the wall and leaves it be. It is their philosophy to work with founders intimately – and prefers to lead investment rounds.

If that means being a technician for a day and changing out the hun at a beta site, they do that. Going through a sales script and walking a customer through a beta site on behalf of the company? Consider it done. Going out of their way to help a startup hire the best talent? Count them in.

Also read: Discover the seven sides of ecosystem building with C asean at Echelon Thailand

With a vast and deep Southeast Asia business network, Creative works with its founders to access the region – and going the extra distance beyond a simple introduction email and into a boardroom.

About the Speaker: Champ Suthipongchai, Managing Partner, Creative Ventures

Champ is a Founding Partner of Creative Ventures, the first Thai venture capital firm in Silicon Valley. Creative Ventures brings together Southeast Asia business partners with U.S. founders, focusing on infrastructure technology that are solving secular trends within macroeconomic challenges. Also Chief Strategy Officer for SHARP Thai City Electric, Champ is currently based in San Francisco, CA.

With a background in corporate innovation, startup, and family businesses, Champ founded Creative to help US startups access the South East Asia market, while providing Southeast Asia corporates and family businesses access to frontier technology half a decade earlier.

Echelon Thailand 2017 is a tech conference (May 15-16, Bangkok) and year-long digital platform attracting international speakers, founders, investors and professionals. At its core, it’s all about the insights, connections, talent and funding. Register for your Echelon Thailand access pass now!

Want some valuable face-time with Champ? VentureCon, powered by GoodShift Ventures is an track exclusive to the diverse Investor community in Thailand and across the region. Investors are brought on a half-day journey through funding ecosystem strategies from Angel, Seed to Series A and beyond. Limited passes are available from

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