A report by the Business Times said that the Ministry of Transport is talking to some firms about test-trialling flying drones

Could this soon roll down the highways of Singapore?

Science fiction fans in Singapore are going to totally geek out over this news. According to a Business Times report, the Ministry of Transport is talking to some companies to test-trial flying drones capable of carrying passengers.

Permanent Secretary Pang Kin Keong said told Business Times in a forum on Wednesday that “in 2030, you [can] bet your money that aerial transport will also be a means of urban mobility.”

The topic of the Business Times Leaders’ Forum was about urban mobility in 2030. At the event, the ministry displayed images of three different prototypes of passenger flying drones.

There was the Hoversurf Scorpion, made by Russia-based startup Hoversurf; Ehang 184 (slated to roll out in Dubai by July) drone, built by Chinese startup EHANG; and Volocopter VC200, a product by German startup e-volo.

The Ehang 184 drone.

Other future mobility ideas that were discussed include on-demand buses that can cater to routes facing low-ridership during certain hours, and driverless pods.

One thing’s for sure, air traffic controllers are going to have a tougher job if passenger flying drones go mainstream.

Image Credit: Hoversurf

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