Foody claimed that it has failed to monetise in Indonesia, shifting its focus back into Vietnam


Vietnamese culinary media and restaurant listing platform Foody has ceased its operations in Indonesia by October. Launched in the market in 2015, the operations of Foody Indonesia is now managed by PergiKuliner.

Founded by Minh Dang, Foody initially had plans for an aggressive expansion in the Indonesian market by launching services such as food delivery, social media management, and other promotional activities for restaurants.

Also Read: Vietnam’s Foody snags Series C funding from Tiger Global; goes to Indonesia

According to information that DailySocial has gathered, Foody Indonesia office is no longer active and all of its employees have been let go. PergiKuliner now manages Foody Indonesia’s user base and social media presence (Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube). The take-over is considered as a valuable asset for the company.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the move was influenced by Sea (formerly known as Garena), which had entered the company through its Series B funding round. Sea has been rumoured to have majority ownership in Foody. However, our sources had declined to share information regarding the relations between Sea and PergiKuliner.

The article Foody Hentikan Bisnis di Indonesia, Operasional Dialihkan ke PergiKuliner was written in Bahasa Indonesia by Yenny Yusra for DailySocial. English translation and editing by e27.

Image Credit: Brooke Lark on Unsplash

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