Commerce.Asia provides omni-channel solutions to SMEs, brands and micro-entrepreneurs that enable them to sell online

Ganesh Kumar Bangah, a well-known Malaysian entrepreneur and founder of MOL Global (Southeast Asia’s first internet company to be listed on NASDAQ), has launched an equity crowdfunding (ECF) campaign on pitchIN for his new venture Commerce.Asia.

Commerce.Asia, which provides omni-channel solutions to SMEs, brands and micro-entrepreneurs that enable them to sell online, aims to raise RM5 million (US$1.3 million) via the platform, which includes RM2 million private placements to sophisticated investors. To date, Commerce.Asia has raised RM2.3 million.

pitchIN CEO Sam Shafie said: “It is an achievement for pitchIN and the ECF industry to have Ganesh funding his venture through equity crowdfunding. It is a massive vote of confidence from a seasoned and globally respected entrepreneur for the Malaysian equity crowdfunding industry.”

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Commerce.Asia is focused on building omni-channel solutions, which enable businesses to sell online on various platforms from a single point, by integrating a variety of physical and digital channels while integrating customer experience, loyalty, payment and fulfilment.

The company owns equity in e-commerce stores integrator SiteGiant, dropshipping company Kumoten, as well as warehouse provider

Commerce.Asia has a three-prong strategy; firstly, it stands to make capital gains from these investments. In addition, each of these companies provide essential services that will earn the company money each time their users sell online. And his third line of action seeks to grow the industry he is betting big on.

In addition, Commerce.Asia has acquired the rights to offer programmes of US based GrowthX Accelerator in Malaysia. The accelerator will offer both programmes for companies that are designed to accelerate their growth, as well as training programmes aimed at equipping individuals with the necessary digital selling and marketing skills.

pitchIN is a leading ECF platform. On an average, it facilitates 12 deals a year.

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