Singapore clinches the second position for the highest percentage growth of open source contributors and overall contributors worldwide, according to the latest The State of the Octoverse Report by software development platform GitHub.

The country recorded a 111 per cent year-on-year percentage increase in contributors to all repository types. Coming on top of the list in this category is Hong Kong at 175 per cent, followed by Indonesia with a 90 per cent growth.

Generally, developers in Asia are making their mark in this report with the soaring number of their participation on the platform this year.

In the category of open source contributors, Hong Kong tops the list with a 101 per cent increase in comparison to the previous year, while Japan observes a steady year-on-year growth with a 60 per cent rise.

Indonesia also experienced a 42 per cent growth of open source projects in the platform, the only Southeast Asian country in the category.

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“Asia’s contributor community has surpassed ones in Europe and North America in annual growth. This indicates a substantial shift in Asia Pacific, from being a consumer to increasingly becoming a contributor to open source,” Sam Hunt, Vice President APAC at GitHub, responded to e27‘s query about the factors that contributed to this phenomenon.

“Southeast Asia is a big part of this shift. The report shows 111 per cent growth in contribution in Singapore. The country is home to a strong startup scene and, once again, this is a testament to the realisation that consumption is not the only value proposition of GitHub. GitHub is more than just a place where you download code. It’s where technology, collaboration and the world’s largest developer community converge and, together, drive innovation,” he continued.

The rise of Asia

The State of the Octoverse Report defines contributions as any substantive action that generates content on GitHub, such as creating an issue, opening a pull request, or commenting on an issue or pull request.

The report stated that over the past year, 10 million new developers joined the GitHub community, contributing to more than 44 million repositories across every continent.

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GitHub said that 88 per cent of these contributors are from outside the US. On average, each open source project on GitHub welcomed contributors from 41 different countries and regions this year.

“Every year since 2014, we’ve seen more open source contributions from outside the United States,” it said.

Image Credit: Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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