The three global companies will contribute expertise, knowledge, and best practices to blockchain startups in Singapore

Tribe Accelerator, Singapore’s government-sponsored blockchain accelerator, announced that it has brought BMW Group Asia, chip maker Intel, and information and data analytics company Nielsen on board. The three companies are said to be participants in the technology, as told by ETHNews.

The Singapore-based blockchain accelerator is operated by Trive Ventures, a local venture capitalist firm, intended to facilitate startups in collaborating with enterprises that may be interested in blockchain-powered products. It was first launched in December 2018 with ConsenSys as its early partner.

Tribe Accelerator is partially funded by government’s startup arm Enterprise Singapore, as well as being supported by accounting company PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Singapore Digital Hub and Icon Foundation, South Korea’s blockchain network.

Intel will lend its knowledge on how to use Intel’s blockchain-powered products to enhance participating startups’ technologies and provide better technical solutions, while BMW Group Asia will provide masterclasses and mentoring sessions focussing on blockchain technology in the mobility sector. Nielsen will develop a sandbox where startups can test their ideas and products without fear of violating existing laws and regulations.

“We have a vision of how the technology as an enabler of cross-sector innovation with transformative potential can be beneficial in the everyday lives of people. To move forward as a society, we need to encourage experimentation, and once the benefits of blockchain technology become evident, mainstream adoption will undoubtedly follow,” said Ryan Chew, managing partner of Tribe Accelerator.

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Later on, Tribe Accelerator said that it will also organise several events touring Singapore, Seoul, San Francisco, and Shanghai, where the three companies will share their knowledge.

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