Don’t consider yourself a wise person even if you have crossed half a million shares and likes on social media, because some stupid blunders might take all that, all of a sudden

We are living in the fastest arena of technology, where 140 characters are enough to wobble any authority: a Tumblr blog can shake tech giant Apple and a layman can get the highest LinkedIn connections in this world.

Simply saying, today’s tech is not a child’s game, and yes, that is why every entrepreneur today is tech-savvy. Imagine a business leader who wouldn’t be shrewd enough to tackle the technology smoothly and makes blunders out of emails and social media.

Don’t consider yourself a wise person even if you have crossed half a million shares and ‘likes’ on any of the social platforms, because some stupid blunders might take all that, all of a sudden.

One wrong move and you become ‘failure of the year’ on Reddit, learn how to get screwed by any Quora user if you are the unluckiest person on earth. You shouldn’t be worried about the abrupt conclusion, instead, you must be cautious by avoiding this silly tech blunders.

Let’s talk about it in details:

The Most Famous

Just as we talked earlier, the social media failures are the most horrible; that is, it can be unbelievably shared, talked and shamed about. Entrepreneurs exercise forethought in making any moves as they are more concerned about their image.

Their remarks can pertain to their earlier comments. There have been many cases where CEOs forcefully quit their position only because of some silly things they posted on social networks. Well, every action has equal and opposite reaction. Similarly, social media can make you popular overnight [the reverse case can be possible]

This might seem unusual, but 25 per cent look down on your selfies and walloping 72 per cent harshly judge grammar mistakes. Really? Unfortunately, they do.

Do you want to avoid SSU [Social Screw Up]?

It’s not hard. Take care of some simple things and no one can ever jeopardise your image. Tweet carefully, post cautiously on Facebook and other blogs, think about the worst consequences that can happen if you are going to be snarky, funny or sarcastic with your comments. Go to your professional profiles and check the spellings and grammars before the venture committee does. You might not get 100 likes for this but this will get you a Series A funding for sure.

Also, fostering social comments in a mundane affair can help you a lot. Everyday, a celebrity is in news who either has made a ruckus by making biased comments or annotate something people don’t want to listen.

The Email Mess-ups

Do you know how many people sent emails everyday? That can not be answered as it’s personal encryption but it surely can be imagined that the number will be far more than expectation.

A single click on ‘Send’ button and you are nailed. Your email may have ‘Bad Subject Line’ or you forgot to tell the most important thing to the sender, or if you are broadcasting or bulk-mailing, you make mistake of showing the slang expressions. It cannot be reverted. It will hurt after the immediate seconds.

Regretting a Click?

Are you using Gmail? Good. Go and enable ‘Undo Send’ feature in your settings. Now, relax because everything is under control. This gives you the chance to cancel a message by clicking a link within the first few seconds after sending.

Not a Gmail user? Outlook facilitates to replace or retract an email if send to someone inside your company. Or you can sign up for a service like that handles your messages through their servers so you can call them back if you need to.

In the end, the quality solution is ‘Take your Time’. Recheck, reread and then send your mail. You will never be screwed. Otherwise, it won’t take time to be one of these: Instagram post can go so viral that it gets more than 1 million hearts, Facebook posts can be shared so virally that you can’t imagine.

Yes, it has two sides: too positive or excessively negative. As an entrepreneur, you would want to upkeep the later one instead of sustaining the former.

This article is originally published on

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