Your grandfather’s reading glasses were a form of wearable technology — back in the day


Ah, that nostalgic feeling whenever you see a post about the 30-year evolution of Mac computers or another post about the many faces of smartphones throughout the decades.

It reminds us how innovation continues to evolve, with new products always coming up to beat its predecessor. (It also reminds us how old we are, but let us not go there.)

This time, we will take a time machine to learn how wearable tech has evolved — from as early as the year 1286. We are going to see how, throughout the ages, engineers and scientists had attempted to make tech more convenient by figuring out ways to ‘wear’ them. And yes, they failed miserably in many of their attempts.

Andrew Collins, Marketing Manager at UK-based multi-brand online shopping store for timepieces Give and Take, has created an infographic to show you how the story went:

History of Wearable Technology


Image Credit: sashazerg / 123RF Stock Photo

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