Opportunity makes a thief — so here’s how to remove opportunity

There are many businesses that are falling victim to content theft — which can affect their business’s performance and operations.

There are people and other businesses on the web that simply steal content and claim it as their own. And worse, they end up using the content as a means to monetize their business.

This means that the original publisher doesn’t receive credit or any of the rewards for their published work.

For businesses that engage in content marketing activities, this can be a huge problem since the content that is created and published is designed to add value to the business.

Should a competitor steal the work, it could see the original creator lose thousands of dollars in revenue.

There are a few precautions that can be taken to protect your businesses published work.

Publish your content with an HTML timestamp

This is one way to validate that your business is the original producer of the published work.

Unfortunately, there are some limitations because the timestamp can be manually adjusted to another date. Still, this should be a part of the process when publishing any content online.

Get the content indexed by Google

Google can affix its own timestamp to the content once it crawls and indexes the published content. This will then have a timestamp in Google’s database.

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If any issues arise with competitors claiming your content, you can file a DMCA dispute and use evidence of the indexed version of the content, so you can validate that you are the original owner.

Conduct a reverse plagiarism check

After you have published your web content, you can conduct a plagiarism check every month to see if your content appears anywhere.

Should plagiarism occur, you can contact the offending site and file a request for them to take down the content. You can use a tool like Plagiarism Checker Free.

Having your business’s work stolen is an unpleasant experience.

However, you can use these tactics to prevent your copyrighted work from being claimed by someone else; as well as knowing what action to take should the situation have the need to be escalated.

Image Credits: logo3in1

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