Welcome to the e27 Tea Talk, where we talk about everything startup ecosystem

Hello. I recently joined e27 as an account executive after more than a decade of ESL teaching. Here is my eye-opening journey as I forayed into the lively world of tech innovation.

I grew up in the era of analog technology. At that time, we were cool if we owned a box of floppy disks (mine came with pretty colors). We mastered the art of patiently waiting to be e-connected via our landline phones. Needless to say, I felt so fortunate to exist amid such an “advanced” environment.

But alas, real life beckoned (my way of saying that my career trajectory curved away from the boost of technology). The next thing I knew, the old is gone and the new has come. Technology progressed rapidly, supplanting a lot of what’s familiar to me. And riding on the wave of this tech revolution are startups that have sprouted from all over the world. They have created a thriving ecosystem that utilised advanced technology for the benefit of various sectors. They have been shaking conventions and joining hands in building each other up.

Also read: [e27 Tea Talk]: How to be a successful startup community builder

Since jumping into this globalised ecosystem, I’ve witnessed how tech startups have persistently and unapologetically altered the landscape in various fields–from storage, to corporate management, to healthcare, and even to how currencies are managed. I’ve come to realise that technology’s growth waits for no one. Its rhythm is limited only to how fast human innovation moves. And boy, does it progress ever so quickly!

This is even more evident as I collate information from the many awesome startups attending at this year’s Echelon Asia Summit. This annual event is a testament to how far technology has come, and how passionately willing entrepreneurs are in pushing the norm to the edge.

Thankfully, these innovators are not challenging conventions for the sake of just shaking things up, but with the end goal of elevating the quality of life (as in the case of healthcare and aquaculture tech startups), or of streamlining company costs (tech firm startups), or of raising efficiency altogether (digital platforms for companies or storage). These startups are standing in the gap to allow technology to flawlessly supplant many (admittedly outmoded) conventions, one platform at a time.

So as I’m bringing this essay to a close, I’m thinking about you, tech innovator. If you think you have that brilliant idea to change even a micro-part of your world, Echelon is the platform for you to jumpstart your journey. This yearly event brings together a vast community of innovators, investors, mentors, and potential clients. Or perhaps you’ve already started, but remain clueless on how to push it from there. Go check out our site here. We may just have the right network for you. For everything technology and innovation, we usually do.


e27 Tea Talk is the column managed by the e27 Business Development Team. We hope to see you join in on stimulating discussions and constructive feedback as we navigate through the startup journey together. 🙂

Featured Image Copyright: peshkov / 123RF Stock Photo

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