Spacemob made waves last week by landing Southeast Asia’s largest public seed round, take a peek inside the co-working space

In Singapore, Co-working spaces have become so common it is now fairly easy to recognise a spectrum.

High above the financial district of Singapore, a couple of spaces are like walking into a five-star hotel — leather couches, an outstanding view and if one tries hard enough, they might convince themselves of a lingering whiff of high-quality bourbon.

In other parts of the city, be it Block 71 or tucked away in the suburbs, are more humble co-working spaces — usually just a desk, fast internet and a coffee machine.

Spacemob, the Singapore Co-working space that last week raised a US$5.5 million seed round, probably falls somewhere in the middle. It has nice perks (including a barista, premiere tech and a centralised location) without the luxuries of the fanciest of co-working spaces in the city.

Also Read: Singaporean co-working space startup Spacemob raises the largest seed round in Southeast Asia

What does that actually look like? Let’s take a tour.



Guests are greeted by a humble front desk and a nifty little kiosk for signing into the space — be it for a meeting or an event.

Event space

The next logical place people will visit is the event space. The desks are for collaboration and open-air meetings. The pillows in the back are sitting on a ‘bleacher’ situation that would be great for Demo Days.


The point of a co-working space is to, well, work. The space opens up into various large ‘classroom’ type of spaces that are used for trainings and smaller spaces inhabited by specific companies.


There is a legitimate debate about open-spaced offices vs. the traditional cubicles (as with any debate, the best answer is probably somewhere in the middle). These individual desks allow people a modicum of privacy while not feeling claustrophobic in a cubicle.


The classroom-style rooms are dedicated rental for General Assembly, we at e27 have seen it be used for brainstorming sessions, trainings (like SEO best practices) and even used to host Facebook recordings.


This little nook is right around the corner from the main event space and allows for private casual conversations without the need to run into a room or whisper around a desk.

Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms are the key to any co-working space. Residents need a location where 4-5 people can get together and smash out ideas. Take a peak into the Spacemob design for these rooms.


Last, but certainly not least, the most important part of startup life — this is where the coffee is made.

Front Door

So there you have it. A quick visual tour of Spacemob. But, of course, it is always better to stop by in person.

All photos courtesy of Spacemob.

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