The online marketplace will be operated by state-owned telco operator Telkom’s subsidiary PINS Indonesia

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PINS Indonesia, a subsidiary of state-owned telco operator Telkom which provides IoT, mobility, and CPE management services, revealed plans to launch a new online marketplace for Internet of Things (IoT) products and solutions in the country.

“Now that we have declared ourselves as IoT company by revamping the company’s website, we will soon launch marketplace and community portal,” PINS CEO Prasabri Pesti told Indotelko.

With the goal to serve as PINS’ medium to reach out to its customers, the platform is set to be launched in early 2017.

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“We will also use [Telkom’s e-commerce platform] blanja as a channel for IoT devices and solutions. As for the payment platforms, we will also use other Telkom subsidiaries, Finnet, and what is available on blanja,” Pesti added.

PINS started out in 1995 as PT Praminda Ikat Nusantara. After being acquired by Telkom in 2002, gradually the company changed its identity into PINS Indonesia and began to focus more on IoT solutions.

PINS’ new platform will not be the first online marketplace for IoT products and solutions. In April, Bandung-based IoT company DycodeX launched Makestro. Apart from serving as an online marketplace for IoT hardwares, Makestro also provides tutorial and cloud platform for IoT makers.

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Though the e-commerce and on-demand services remain dominant in the Indonesian tech startup scene, the country had begun to see the appearance of IoT startups such as Cubeacon, DycodeX, eFishery, Magic, FoxLogger, and Siramin.

Image Credit: bloomua / 123RF Stock Photo

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