Mobile Legends e-sports will be the first government-supported e-sports competition in Indonesia

Indonesia’s government launches the country’s first government-backed e-sports competition with Mobile Legends as its main sport, as CNN Indonesia reported.

“This would be the very first e-sports tournament that’s fully supported by the government,” said Giring Ganesha, chairman of the championship, who’s also a local celebrity in a press conference yesterday, Monday, January 28.

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The qualification round of the tournament will be held in eight cities; in Bekasi, Solo, Pontianak, Denpasar, Makassar, Palembang, Manado, and Surabaya. Those who go through in the qualification round will be coming to the final round in Istora Senayan, Jakarta, on March 30-31, 2019.

This event is backed by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Creative Economy Agency (BEKRAF), and Ministry of Youth and Sports.

“The government fully supports this type of competition as it can also boost our economy as a country and to realise digital economy by 2020. We also aim to support the potentials our gamers have to compete in international arena,” said Moeldoko, the Head of the Presidential Staff Office.

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Indonesia Esports Premier League (IESPL) has recorded a total of 50 million gamers in Indonesia this year alone, with 60 per cent among them are e-sports enthusiasts.

Image Credit: IESPL

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