Led by Venturra Discovery, Bizreach Inc and a number of existing investors also participated in the funding round for Ekrut


Indonesian recruitment platform Ekrut announced the closing of an undisclosed pre-Series A funding round led by Venturra Discovery, the seed investment arm of Venturra Capital.

Bizreach Inc also participated in this funding round, which included existing investors such as East Ventures, Prasetia Dwidharma, and Skystar Capital.

Ekrut plans to use the new funding to support its business growth, including product development and the implementation of data science in promoting efficient recruitment. The startup also aimed to improve its talents platform recommendation system.

With the funding, Ekrut also aimed to expand the network of employers and talents in Indonesia, in order to help them build greater value at lower operational costs.

Also Read: Raising seed funding from East Ventures, this startup claims to make headhunting process shorter

“Within the last decade, we have seen how technology was able to support the growth of multiple industries and disrupt the way things are being run. It is indeed ironic that the recruitment process for middle to upper managerial level is still being conducted manually; it has made it really difficult to search for the best candidate. This called for a unique solution that utilises technology to help classify candidates, which we believe Ekrut is able to offer,” Venturra Discovery Managing Partner Raditya Pramana commented on the funding round.

Ekrut was built by Steven Suliawan and Ardo Gozal to solve the problem of finding a candidate with relevant experiences, particularly in the tech sector. The company claimed to have 2,700 companies and 120,000 talents on board.

“We finally identified the existing problems in the market and decided to solve it,” Suliawan explained.

The article Ekrut Amankan Pendanaan Pra-Seri A was written by Prayogo Ryza in Bahasa Indonesia for DailySocial. English translation and editing by e27.

Image Credit: Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash

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