Coworking Indonesia aims to foster stronger partnership between players in the coworking space industry

Jajanaran pengurus Coworking Indonesia

Indonesia’s first association for the coworking space industry, Coworking Indonesia, is officially launched at Conclave coworking space, South Jakarta, on Monday afternoon.

With the aim to foster stronger partnership between players in the industry, the association is in form of a community-based informal movement started by several coworking space and incubator programmes in Indonesia, based in cities from Jakarta, Bandung to Denpasar.

“The cognitive process of innovation is in the DNA of coworking. Sharing ideas and interacting within a community with diverse and supportive members of different profession can give inputs and feedbacks from different perspectives; all of these are the essence of coworking communities, and these are the factors that can help the growth of each coworker, whether as an entrepreneur, freelancer, or startup member,” said Faye Alund, Chairwoman of Coworking Indonesia, in a press statement.

With 40 members on board, the association is set to take “an active participation in building an ecosystem for young, creative Indonesians by developing skills, resources, and information.”

It currently opens for application for coworking spaces across Indonesia to join the association.

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The idea to build an association for coworking spaces first came up during the Coworking Unconference Asia event in Bali this February.

The association predicts that there will be at least 100 new coworking spaces being set up in the country within the next one year.

Despite the seemingly bright prospect, tough competition climate had led to the end of one of Indonesia’s first coworking space Comma. The South Jakarta-based space closed down business in March, citing “failure to generate profits to create sustainable business” as the main reasons behind the decision.

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The following is the organisational structure of Coworking Indonesia:

Cynthia Hasan (Coworkinc), Yansen Kamto (Kibar), Ayip Budiman (Rumah Sanur)

Yohan Totting (Hackerspace Bandung), Dian Hasan (Coworkinc)

Faye Alund (Kumpul)

Secretary General
Felencia Hutabarat (Ke:Kini)

Andi Saptari (CO&CO)

Programme Development
Wendy Pratama (Lingkaran), Rafi Rachmanzah (Kolega)

Business Development
Adryan Hafizh (Kolaborasi), Ivan Bodiman (Kedasi)

Public Policy and Government Relations
Ivan Lalamentik (Startup Legal Clinic), Danton Prabowo (Forward Factory)

Partnership Coordinator
Fajar Anugerah (SMESCO space by Kinara)

Partnership (Community)
Tommy Herdiansyah (Code Margonda), Afit Husni (Maliome)

Partnership (Corporate)

Akbar Brojosaputro (Conclave), Pera Sihite (Kibar)

Partnership (Media)
Gatot Hendraputra (Impala), Wicak Hidayat (LabKinetic)

Partnership (Investor)

Christopher Angkasa (Clapham)

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