The US$77 billion market has grown beyond the realm of smartphones, as we now need mobile apps for wearables, smart cars, IoT devices and more


Mobile developers are offering businesses a wealth of new technology to grow their businesses in 2017, and the innovation shows no signs of slowing down. New trends in mobile technology are making it even more crucial than ever for businesses to develop or strengthen their mobile marketing strategy.

The potential for revenue alone is a major reason why so many businesses need to consider and embrace the trends in mobile apps in the upcoming year. First of all, experts predict over 250 billion app downloads next year. With those 250+ billion apps calling consumers smartphones’ home, US$77 billion dollars in revenue will result from mobile marketing efforts sent to those apps.

Most businesses cannot afford to pass up on the opportunity to take a piece of the US$77 billion dollar market that mobile apps are forecast to generate. Remember, more and more devices like wearables and tablets are becoming consumers’ go-to devices, so desktop-oriented websites are only going to reach a fraction of your audience. The speed in which innovation is happening in the mobile space is absolutely incredible, and it’s safe to say that more innovation will continue — who knows what else 2017 will bring?

Also Read: Infographic: Google Pixel vs iPhone 7 – which is the better smartphone?

The infographic below gives a sneak peek at the mobile technology trends 2017 has to offer. Here are some notable points:

  • Location based data is on the rise
  • IoT is making mobile a lucrative market
  • Augmented reality is engaging customers
  • Security is a top priority for developers
  • Android Instant apps will start to emerge

mobile app trends 2017


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Featured Image Copyright: ammentorp / 123RF Stock Photo

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