As we head into a new decade you may already be beginning plans of what trends are set to hit the new year. With it are likely to include new investment opportunities which you’re looking to do after having a productive 2019 with regards to your current income and savings.

Here are some investment plan opportunities that are expected to be worthy in the year 2020.

National pension schemes

There’s never a bad time to consider investing in your future, yet there seems to be an air of neglect when it comes to making investments for your retirement period. This is where National Pension Systems can come into play which helps you to gradually put away income that you can later rely on when you’re thinking of retirement.

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The end amount of your pension fund is likely to differ compared to each person depending on salary and what percentage you’re planning to put away. However, regardless of how much you earn, it’s still important to put away as much as you can for your retirement.

Investments in housing

It’s becoming an increasingly common prospect for individuals to invest in real estate and property as they seek additional income from their regular salary.

Choose the right area, and you may find that you’re gaining a reasonable amount of investment from the property that you purchase. For those in the UK, many are looking towards the North of England as a worthy place to invest as areas down South continue to inflate.

On the other hand, there’s also the potential to invest in corporate property for business. This provides a wide-scale opportunity for rental income and may be worth the expense of taking out a bridging loan or using your own personal funds. 


After continuous research and development, AI in 2018 made a breakthrough in becoming a leading technology for businesses and entrepreneurs.

As its development continues in 2019 and increasingly grows across many industries, the year of 2020 might just be the year where it really begins to pick up the pace.

Considering how much it’s grown, there have been plenty of examples that showcase the potential of AI and what more it could become in the near future.

Blockchain technology

Since the growth of blockchain technology, there are still some who doubt its potential. However, there’s still no denying that its possibilities could be endless. Initially, it’s birth was inspired to support Bitcoin amongst other cryptocurrencies but has grown to become its own entity for making transactions online.

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Where Bitcoin has perhaps not made the expected strides that were expected, blockchain is predicted to become mainstream within businesses such as health, law and banking.

Socially responsible companies

It can be truly devastating when you invest in a company before seeing its value plummet due to scandals that have been released.

As a result, we’ve seen an increase in people investing their money in more socially responsible companies which are expected to become more popular from millennials and Generation X investors. Heading into 2020, this may be a wise investment move.

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Image Credit:  Tierra Mallorca

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